Cartographies of Living Systems FS21: Perennials

Cartographies of Living Systems FS21: Perennials

For this assignment in the Cartographies of Living Systems FS21 Course the students redrew illustrations of different grass species following the language for perennials, identifying and representing the qualities of each part of the plant.

The base drawings correspond to the research on root’s systems developed by Lore Kutschera and Erwin Lichtenegger, compiled and published with the name of Wurzelatlas.

Drawing grasses. Cartographies of Living Systems FS21. Students: Anna Opitz, Ansgar Stadler, Blanka Major, Dimitri Durst, Eliane Gigon, Eric Wuite, Jacopo Bianchi, Jingfan Xue, Lara Anschwanden, Margherita Chiozzi, Marina Medic, Matteo Zwyssig, Pedro Tosatto, Rita Andrade Viegas, Roderic Günter, Romain Iff, Samuel Fuchs, Sandra Wegmann, Seraina Bernegger, Sophia Trumpp, Tim Kappeler, Valentin Ribi, Xingyu He.