FS23 Regenerative Practices for Exhausted Landscapes
Elective Course 061-0154-23L
Time: Thursday, 12:45 – 15:30, ONA E7 + Garden of the XXI Century at Campus Hönggerberg
Teaching team: Prof. Teresa Gali-Izard, Stefan Breit, Bonnie-Kate Walker
Language: English
Prerequisites: Enrollment in MScLA Program or MAS ETH EPF in Urban and Territorial Design
In this course, students will be introduced to a range of landscape practices that regenerate soil health and enhance biological integrity. Traditional and pioneering approaches in designing with productive living systems will be critically discussed, including agroforestry, adaptive grazing, water harvesting, afforestation, and rewilding. An introduction to these strategies will enable students learn about key parameters for designing landscapes, as well as a perspective on ecological topics including succession, disturbance, and management.
Throughout the course, students will spend a third of course time on a local experimental site, designing and managing field experiments to investigate the practices introduced in course lectures. The site and associated experiments will be documented through a series of drawings. Through the field design exercises, drawings, and discussion, students will explore a rule-based methodological approach to designing with living systems. Additionally, the course will examine the potentials and challenges of these practices to influence landscapes at a territorial scale.
23.02.2023: Introduction
02.03.2023: Fieldwork I: Site Analysis
09.03.2023: Overview of Extensive and Intensive Regenerative Practices
16.03.2023: Topic: Agroforestry
23.03.2023: No Class - Seminar Week
30.03.2023: Fieldwork II: Biochar Workshop + Intervention
06.04.2023: Topic: Disturbance + Succession. Rewilding and Reforestation
13.04.2023: No Class - Easter Break
20.04.2023: Topic: Mutualisms. Guest Lecture by Pere Fraga, Gardener + Biodiversity Expert
27.04.2023: Fieldwork III: Monitoring & Adjustment
04.05.2023: Topic: Management. The Garden of the XXI Century in Senan
11.05.2023: Fieldwork IV: Observation and Celebration
18.05.2023: No Class - Ascension Day