09.06 - 24.09.2023 | The Garden of the XXI Century. Exhibiton at ZAZ Bellerive Zürich.
09 Jun - 24 Sep 2023 | ZAZ Bellerive, Höschgasse 3 Zürich
The Garden of the XXI Century: Complex Resurgences, Productive Partnerships is the contribution of the Chair of Being Alive to the exhibition 'Landschaftstadt' at ZAZ Bellerive Zürich, curated by Meritxell Vaquer and Daniel Bosshard with the collaboration of Fabian Ruppanner.
For this exhibition, we have brought together part of the Chair’s research at ETH Zürich and student’s work from the MScLA Foundation Studio II Spring 2021 and the Master Thesis Fall 2022.
Vernissage: Thursday 08.06 at 19:00.