05.05.2022 | Agriculture de Non-Agir. François Léger, Teresa Galí-Izard.
05 May 2022, 12:45 - 15:30 (CET) | ETH ONA E25
Lecturers: François Léger, Researcher, AgroParisTech & Teresa Gali-Izard, Professor of Landscape Architecture, ETH Chair of Being Alive.
François Léger is a french researcher focusing on very small organic farms and their links to territories and cities. He will present the proposal of an agriculture of non-action “Agriculture de Non-Agir” and discuss his hypothesis and its effects on landscapes together with Teresa Gali-Izard.
Agriculture de Non-Agir is part of the lecture series organised by the Chair of Being Alive as part of the course Regenerative Landscapes: Ruled-based Design FS22.