We, the roots among you. Teresa Galí-Izard, Bonnie-Kate Walker, Cara Turett, Luke Harris. OASE #110, 2022.
Teresa Galí-Izard, Bonnie-Kate Walker, Cara Turett, Luke Harris (2022). We, the roots among you. The Project of the Soil, OASE (110), 67–75.
Roots are the actors that construct the living rhizosphere. By aerating, structuring and adding organic matter to the mineral substrate, roots create soil through partnerships with other living organisms. To see the city from the perspective of the root requires a cognitive shift. This article explores the growth patterns and relationships of roots and proposes a new language for the street that enables roots to create a living soil through the transformation of the ground they inhabit.
We, the Roots among You. Teresa Galí-Izard, Bonnie-Kate Walker, Cara Turett, Luke Harris (2022) OASE #110.