18.10.2022 | (RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture. Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, Oslo School of Architecture.
18 Oct 2022, 17:00 (CET) | A2 Sverre Fehn Auditorium, Maridalsveien 29, Oslo.
As part of the Lecture series (RE)Acting/(EN)Acting: New Approaches in Landscape Architecture organised by the Oslo School of Architecture (AHO), Prof. Galí-Izard describes what it means today to educate, disseminate, build, imagine – for humans and non-humans, amid the current social, political, and ecological crises we are facing. How, as a practitioner, educator, and researcher, she (re)acts to those contemporary crises and (en)acts new scenarios addressing them. What keeps her motivated, (and alive) and her particular interests, knowing she is only a voice in a larger conversation, in today’s context of uncertainty.
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