03.06.2021 | FS21 Productive Partnerships: Final Review.
03 Jun 2021, 12:30 (CET) / 17:00 (EST)
Final review for Productive Partnerships: MScLA Foundation II Studio FS21 with Meg Baldwin, Seppe de Blust, Michel Roux and Milica Topalovic as guest jury.
“How can the addition of integrated, dynamic, and productive systems transform the urban fabric?” This question animated a 5-week design exercise in the second half of the MScLA Foundation Studio II (the first half of the semester was led by the Chair of Günther Vogt).
Teaching Team: Teresa Galí-Izard, Stefan Breit, Luke Harris, Cara Turett, Uxía Varela Expósito, Bonnie-Kate Walker.