Especies Vagabundas: ¿Una amenaza? Gilles Clément, Francis Hallé, François Letourneux, 2021.
CLÉMENT, G., HALLÉ, F., LETOURNEUX, F. (2021) Especies Vagabundas: ¿Una amenaza?. Editorial GG, Barcelona.
This book unites the knowledge and experience of three brilliant minds in the landscape arena. It explores different biomes, species, the gardener and the garden. In it we can find some brilliant statements, such as the definition of the garden as “el territorio por excelencia del mestizaje planetario” or the definition of gardener as an “interventor”. Although the book is filled with interesting reflections, its most important contribution is the furthering of the debate around invasive species. Are they a threat to be fought off? Can it be done reasonably and successfully? Or, alternatively, can they help enrich and diversify the environments where they arrive? The answer to this is, clearly, not black and white, and this book is of immense value insofar it enriches the arguments and enhances the nuances that are important in such discussions.