Éloge de la plante. Francis Hallé, 1999.
Hallé, F. (1999) Éloge de la plante. Pour une nouvelle biologie. Editions du Seuil, Paris.
[english translation] Hallé, F. (2002) In Praise of Plants. Timber Press, Inc.
"If humans seem more easily interested in animals, if animals are attended to more spontaneously than plants, it is a result of zoocentrism or anthropocentrism. We are attracted by what we resemble, but we remain indifferent to that which is not cast in our own image. […] Biology has much to gain from ridding itself of such errors of perspective, which do not have a place in science. Besides, those who admire plants will find in the comparisons that fill this book additional reasons to feel pleased by the presence of plants, their closeness, and intimacy.”